Commentaries & Kingdom News


Shalom! In 2006, I became a part of a weekly email learning Torah from a guy named "Rick."  Rick sent out commentaries on the Torah reading and there were "reply all" discussions.  I was mostly too shy to say anything, but loved learning from Rick and hearing everyone's comments.  This went on for over a year, I think.  Then, suddenly, the emails stopped.  After awhile an email was sent by Rick's wife.  Rick had been killed in a car...

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Shalom! The command to "be holy" is found in both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Brit Chadasha.  The Hebrew Scriptures identify "holiness" with "holy" behavior, otherwise known as obedience to the commandments.  Did Yeshua do away with the Torah and thus, "holy" behavior?  How then can one become "holy" today?  Kedoshim 2019 takes a look at how we can conform our behavior to the likeness of the Holy One of Israel. Last...

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Acharei Mot

Shalom! Acharei Mot contains a chapter that most of us pass over quickly.  It is a detailed listing of all sexual perversions.  Most of us would say, it doesn't really apply to us.  Yet if we take a careful look, we see that more and more of these prohibitions seem to be looked upon with tolerance in our societies.  One thing, however, is clear. YHWH does not see them as minor.  They are downright detestable - a total abomination.   On a positive...

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Counting of the Omer

      Shalom! Pesach/Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are tied to Shavuot/Pentecost by the Counting of the Omer.  While Pesach is the celebration of redemption and freedom from slavery, Shavuot is a celebration of revelation.  In between is a period of sanctification.  If you read in the Torah about the things that happened in the days...

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  Shalom! A popular Passover song is Simcha Rabba, Aviv hi'giah, Pesach Ba!  It means a lot of happiness, spring is here, Passover is coming!  I hope you are enjoying the anticipation!   We will take a break in the regular Torah readings for the next couple of weeks and focus on Pesach/Passover. Following are a few articles and videos about Passover.  Also, attached are some extra resources. A short Passover video for children - Passover...

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Shalom! We've had such interesting topics in our Torah readings the last couple of weeks, right?  Vayikra/Leviticus has made it clear that not all uncleanness is the same.  There are different rituals to bring one back into a "clean" state.  Metzora     But did you notice that all purification rituals involve living water?  For the believer today, our cleanser is the Living Water of Yeshua.  We are covered by both the blood He shed...

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Shalom! I guess I should tell you that it took five attempts to write this week's commentary.  That should tell you that it's not the easiest topic for me and not likely for you either.  Clean, unclean, scabs, boils, burns, white hairs, yellow hairs....there sure are a lot of visual aids.  Although we're tempted to pass over all this stuff really quickly, our Father spent a lot of time on this, so for sure He has some treasures there.  In Tazria - 2019, I...

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Shalom! This week in Shemini 2019, I talk a little about the concept of unity as it results from keeping His commandments, beginning with the food laws of clean and unclean.  How did it happen that the early Christian church became "unrooted" from their Jewish Messianic brothers?  For answers here, I've included an attachment by Tony Robinson entitled "Seeds of Separation"  which gives a lot of history for those who are interested or would like it as a...

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Shalom! Tzav commentary Tonight is the eve of Purim, and so I'd like to pass along a couple of resources.  Of course the story of Purim can be read in the book of Esther, but to put the story in perspective, check out - History Crash Course, Purim in Persia.    Current events always seem to parallel whatever is being celebrated on the Hebrew calendar.  In the book of Esther, Jews in diaspora suddenly found themselves isolated and in danger.  With unusual...

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Shalom! From the beginning of the Torah, the Creator has made divisions and distinctions between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the profane, the divine and the worldly.  In the book of Vayikra/Leviticus, His commands will become more clear as to what type of behavior is acceptable for those who are called to be His own.  In a day when much of the world, and even believers, seek to obtain unity at any cost, what is YHWH's take on the whole matter?  Vayikra With...

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